unused/total message counts in hello screen?
Jeff Templon
2018-09-21 14:36:06 UTC

My first post here. It seems i can do what the subject line asks but I
am not quite there in terms of seeing it (not an elisp guy).

to be specific, in the notmuch-hello screen if I click "show all" for
tags, part of what I see is

4 lists/it-dep
2 lists/it-dep-di
272 lists/it-dep-full
107 lists/it-dep-gd
189 lists/it-dep-gt
1 lists/it-dept
2 lists/it-dept-ext

what I am looking for, ideally, would be

4 lists/it-dep
2 lists/it-dep-di
14/272 lists/it-dep-full
7/107 lists/it-dep-gd
33/189 lists/it-dep-gt
1 lists/it-dept
2 lists/it-dept-ext

where the first number (before the slash) is the number of unread
messages under that tag. An alternative would be if I could toggle the
entire page to show just the unread tags (so any tags for which all
messages were read would just not show up). Maybe even preferable, that
last one.

Thanks :-)

David Bremner
2018-09-28 12:53:10 UTC
Post by Jeff Templon
My first post here. It seems i can do what the subject line asks but I
am not quite there in terms of seeing it (not an elisp guy).
Post by Jeff Templon
where the first number (before the slash) is the number of unread
messages under that tag. An alternative would be if I could toggle the
entire page to show just the unread tags (so any tags for which all
messages were read would just not show up). Maybe even preferable, that
last one.
The only easy-ish idea I had would be to let-bind notmuch-saved searches
in some wrapper function to toggle between different count

William Casarin
2018-10-01 00:27:12 UTC
An alternative would be if I could toggle the entire page to show just
the unread tags (so any tags for which all messages were read would
just not show up). Maybe even preferable, that last one.
This can be done setting "notmuch-hello-tag-list-make-query" to "tag:unread"

I have mine set to "tag:inbox" so that I only see tag counts on the home
screen that haven't been archived yet.

Jeff Templon
2018-10-01 10:05:21 UTC
Post by William Casarin
An alternative would be if I could toggle the entire page to show just
the unread tags (so any tags for which all messages were read would
just not show up). Maybe even preferable, that last one.
This can be done setting "notmuch-hello-tag-list-make-query" to "tag:unread"
Thanks, this works well!

