Notmuch is working too well for me
Vika Shleina
2018-10-11 11:11:54 UTC
I think notmuch started to work too well for me. The constant feeling of
having not much mail in the box starts to make me worried.

How do you feel when using notmuch?
Ben Oliver
2018-10-11 11:42:35 UTC
Post by Vika Shleina
I think notmuch started to work too well for me. The constant feeling of
having not much mail in the box starts to make me worried.
How do you feel when using notmuch?
I have to give a shoutout to the devs - thank you! I was really worried
moving away from gmail search but notmuch is getting me the same or
better hits.
Daniel Kahn Gillmor
2018-10-11 13:54:37 UTC
Post by Ben Oliver
Post by Vika Shleina
I think notmuch started to work too well for me. The constant feeling of
having not much mail in the box starts to make me worried.
How do you feel when using notmuch?
I have to give a shoutout to the devs - thank you! I was really worried
moving away from gmail search but notmuch is getting me the same or
better hits.
As a minor notmuch contributor, this short thread makes me very happy.
Mailing lists are usually (understandably) filled with complaints, and
it's quite nice to hear appreciation as well :)

Thanks to both Vika and Ben for the kind words.


PS how do *i* feel? i still feel overwhelmed by the inbox i handle with
notmuch. but that inbox has an order of magnitude more mail than the
inbox i handle with $other_mua, and i feel even more overwhelmed there.
So thanks, notmuch!
Vika Shleina
2018-10-11 16:17:14 UTC
Quoting Daniel Kahn Gillmor (2018-10-11 16:54:37)
Post by Daniel Kahn Gillmor
As a minor notmuch contributor, this short thread makes me very happy.
Mailing lists are usually (understandably) filled with complaints, and
it's quite nice to hear appreciation as well :)
So, I'd like to thank all people who contributed to this tool, and I
think it's the best e-mail tool there is, when combined with an
automatic tagging system.

Now I shouldn't be afraid to subscribe to a ton of mailing lists...
Tomas Nordin
2018-10-12 18:29:29 UTC
Post by Vika Shleina
So, I'd like to thank all people who contributed to this tool, and I
think it's the best e-mail tool there is, when combined with an
automatic tagging system.
I can join in applauding Notmuch too. Combined with Offlineimap and
Emacs its definitely the best mail agent I have tried (maybe its not an
agent without Emacs). It took a while to set up for me, and some
detours, but since long time now I am not looking for anything else.

Thank you Notmuch developers and contributors

Best regards
2018-10-12 13:26:21 UTC
Hello list,
I'm added my big thank you to all notmuch contributors, it's actually
the best MUA/indexer I found over years and years. Thanks to nm I put
all my feeds via mail (RSS2Email) and that's a big improvement since
I can have interested posts saved as mails, indexed, tagged etc far
more than any rss client I use in the past, elfeed and Google Reader
included. I can also index news (slrnpull) despite, unfortunately,
usenet was substantially abandoned in favor of proprietary and limiting
platforms like Reddit, StackExchange etc.

My only dream for the future is a more tight Emacs config (i.e. no more
need of personal scripts/lisp to refile and delete messages physically
on local maildir) and perhaps even a GUI for dummies notmuch-powered to
encourage non techies to backup, so own, their messages with a fantastic
modern software instead of '90-style desktop MUAs.

Thanks nm developers :-)

-- Kim
2018-10-13 18:03:45 UTC
There's a GUI called astroid which I've authoered. It's not completely
plug-and-play for non-techies, but it's GUI and can (but does not by
default) display HTML mail with images.
I know, and thanks for sharing it, but what I'm hoping is a solution
for generic users which means "a complete package" some something that
in a single apps setup a local maildir from IMAP, synchronize, support
IDLE etc. So something like classic Claws mail&c, only with full local
maildir sync and astroid-like UI.

I can't easily suggest a dummy user "hey setup mbsync, imapfilter,
a script to trigger sync on new mails via IDLE, a script to delete or
refile mails, ... after that you will enjoy a good mail system"...

That's the problem with many powerful tools we have, they are far
superior than anything else but with too limited defaults or scope
to be widespread. Normally that's not a problem but it became now
that we have more and more ignorant (in non-offensive sense) users
and no more "ontological paths" throgh universities, usenet, LUGs

Anyway it's a bit off topic... Sorry for my poor English

-- Kim
Vika Shleina
2018-10-15 07:35:52 UTC
Quoting Kim ALLAMANDOLA (2018-10-13 21:03:45)
I can't easily suggest a dummy user "hey setup mbsync, imapfilter,
a script to trigger sync on new mails via IDLE, a script to delete or
refile mails, ... after that you will enjoy a good mail system"...
I actually discovered notmuch after I installed home-manager for NixOS
(it's a tool that manages your home dir with reproducible deterministic
config generation), set up my email via it and then wondered how does
this work. Skimmed the documentation and learned about notmuch.

Then I learned about mail tagging, tried it and suddenly it was fun.
I started tweaking my mail script, learned about afew and now it tags
all my mail automatically - the only tags I need to use manually are
`spam`, `unread`, `watch` (watch-tag workflow copied from this mailing
list archive), `inbox` and... that's all. Everything else gets sorted
out automatically.

Well, yeah, full disclosure - I'm a hobbyist programmer (note to self:
strike out the "hobbyist" part when I finish my education). So I guess
not everyone can follow in my footsteps. But from an email noob I got to
fully automated email sorting. It even is kinda compatible with my old
email client on my phone (because afew can move mails after auto-tagging
